Healthy Living, Treatment

DIY Organic Honey Mask and Acupressure Facial Massage

January 15, 2015

During these cold winter months in New England, the cold, wind and snow can take it’s toll on your skin.  What’s better than to give yourself a weekly mask and daily facial massage to make sure your skin stays hydrated and firm.  Also, it’s so nice to use an organic mask that you can make fresh from ingredients in your own kitchen!

Also, the skin is affected by your diet.  Make sure you drink lots of water and green tea and I recommend adding goji berries to your daily diet, at least a handful a day!  Green tea is an antioxidant and has anti-aging properties while goji berries nourish and restore the liver, kidneys and blood, which helps with eczema and dry skin. Goji berries also contain powerful anti-oxidants including vitamin C, linoleic acid, thiamine, beta-carotene, and riboflavin.  Your Acupuncturist may be able to get goji berries for about half the price you get them in stores.  I like to put goji berries in my tea, because they come dried and hard, and then I nibble on the berries after they’ve soaked in the hot water when they’re soft and yummy.

I’ve asked my patient, Ana, to model for me for the acupressure facial massage video.  She is a great candidate for this treatment.  She was diagnosed with brain cancer last year and has been having to use a lot of pharmaceutical drugs that have irritated her skin.  She’s doing great but is trying to use non-toxic ingredients on her face as well as in her diet.

Enjoy these tips that you can do at home that can give your face a natural lift and glow!


*Make sure you try a small amount of the mask on your skin first to make you don’t have an allergic reaction to the ingredients.  Also don’t get too close to your mouth because of the raw egg.


  • 1 Tblsp of Raw Honey – a natural antibacterial, it also softens and brightens the skin and fights free radicals
  • 1 Tblsp of Vitamin C Powder (aka ascorbic acid) – boosts collagen production, is an antioxidant, and helps brighten and heal the skin
  • 1/2 an Egg White – will help firm and tone your skin and keep your skin supple.  
  • 1 Tsp of Pearl Powder – contains calcium, proteins and amino acids.  It eases inflammation, promotes healing, enhances elasticity and luminosity.  It also helps with blotches, acne, and rosacea.  Buy it here on Amazon.


Whisk the egg white, then add a tablespoon of raw honey, a tablespoon of Vitamin C powder and about a teaspoon of pearl powder.  Mix it until all the crystals are absorbed into the honey and egg.  Apply liberally on the face being sure to avoid the eyes.  Keep mask on until it dries, about 10-15 minutes.  Meditate during those 10-15 minutes, which will increase your blood flow and your circulatory system functions and help you de-stress.  Rinse with warm water and follow up with the facial acupressure massage below.

The mask looks something like this!

2015-01-14 16.10.15IMG_1482


Click on the link below to watch me give Ana an Acupressure Facial Massage.  Click here to buy the jade roller.

Acupressure Massage Video

Feel free to email me with any questions you have!

Photo credit. Dino Giordano. Flickr

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