
4 Essential Supplements for Children

July 10, 2014

Remember those Flinstones vitamins we used to get as kids? They seemed more like candy than anything else. Now with depleted soil, processed foods and picky eaters all working against the nourishment of our children, supplements seem more necessary than ever before, especially for this over scheduled generation that we expect so much from. Since stories of girls starting their menses at the tender age of 9 began, we have been warned to only give our children organic milk and organic foods, but what should we be giving our children as far as supplements? Some pediatricians say a children’s multivitamin is enough while others say that food should be supplying our children with the vitamins and minerals they need.

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Healthy Living

Choose Happiness

July 9, 2014

Choose Happiness. That is the bumper sticker I saw the other day while driving my daughter to ballet class. Happiness is not only good for the soul, it’s good for the body. Any Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner can tell you that being happy helps the heart stay healthy and strong. Not surprisingly, several recent studies by major universities show that being happy decreases heart disease. Also, if you’re happy, you’re not as stressed, depressed, sad or anxious. Whilst all those emotions are inevitable during our lifetime, happiness seems to be the best emotion for health and longevity.

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Acupuncture and Herbs for Migraines

July 8, 2014

Why Acupuncture and Herbs for migraines and headaches can help

Many of my patients use acupuncture for migraines and headaches and it seems that celebrities are also using the natural medicine.  Gwen Stefani has been using acupuncture while she was pregnant to get rid of her migraines.  A source told RadarOnline:  “Gwen started doing acupuncture to get rid of severe migraine headaches that she gets during her pregnancies.  All moms are doing it.  She loves it and shares it with all her mommy friends because of how much it has helped her on so many levels.”

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